Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This weeks workouts so far...

Sunday:  Spin class!  60 minutes = death I loved every second of it!
Monday:  Body Pump + 30 minutes of elliptical
Tuesday:  Spin Class! 60 minutes = butt kicking, hard as crap, sweat like a man or worse

Wednesday:  Ran Hills with Beth 3 miles then came home and did another 3 miles walked Boss man .5 (thats all he can handle because he prances too much)


My motivation lately has been 

Yep, in exactly 59 days I will be leaving to go relax in PARADISE!

What gets you motivated to workout or for the day?
-Thinking about the above and knowing that there are only 7 more weeks left of school!!!


This Chicka-dee...Danielle... got to ditch the crutches and gets to (hopefully) run in a month!  I am just too excited! :o)

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!  


  1. ME TOOOOOO! I'm going to be running like a turtle when I finally get to do it again...but I'm okay with starting off that way!!

  2. yay! i'm glad you posted your sweat picture cause that's what i look like after runs too! lol

  3. Can I please come on vacation with you? I want to go to paradise!

  4. Great workout week! I am motivated by races that scare me.
    That paradise shot looks divine.
